by Els
I just wanted to share this picture with you and a small funny story about how my dad got stuck on the road to our house.

The village we live in is called Pakalniškiai and it means ’by the hills’. This name is really fitting because in this part of the forest there are many hills and our house is even build on one. Which means that the road to our house is quite steep and with bad weather conditions even slippery.
At the end of October my parents came with their van and trailer to bring our furniture. For my dad it was also the first time to see our house. I asked him many times if he would not wanted to see the road first before driving there with the van and trailer but he and my mom believed that it was not going to be problem, ok fine… We unloaded already stuff at Gabrielius dad so we left with an empty van and full trailer. Very smart.. So really fast on the road up my dad got in trouble, the van got into a slip and even when we removed the trailer it was not going up anymore. Gabrielius was somewhere else so there we were left, stuck on the road, with 2 sleeping babies in the van, unable to speak any Lithuanian and my phone was not working. Luckily my mom could call Gabrielius and he called a neighbor with an old old tractor and this old funny looking tractor was strong enough to pull the van, with trailer up! We were all really relieved and happy that this neighbor came to help!
So in the end everything turned out well and here is a picture of the happy end 🙂